Sunday, 3 February 2013

Science: A Reflection Of Truth and Education?

17th-18th century schools of enlightenment, influenced by Becon and Descartes, established their existence over conventional legacies and religious dogmas. During regimes of scholars like Copernicus, Galileo, Tolstoy and Leibniz, new thinking in science brought society into the light of science and innovation.
During this time period, man gained a new way of thinking, overtaking conventional beliefs, stereotyped morality, and religious dogmas. Science helped to establish a factual truth.
The Objective of Science.
Science teaches individuals to independently without dependence on suppositions of ideologies, outdated facts and abstract views. The main objective of science is to provide a more purified view of knowledge through use of reason and proper evidence to authenticate thinking and research.
In practical terms, using experiments, trials and tests, people will be able to solve problems and better understand the exact reasons to explain any event. Nothing happens without a reason or driving force behind it. Scholars claim that seeing is believing. It is the observer's duty to accept logic, principle, and other ideologies through self-analysis, self-doubt, and introspection.
Everyone needs to be educated in the sciences, to better understand right and wrong and other functions of daily life. Science brings clarity to thoughts. From a viewing standpoint, a person needs proper perspective to achieve success in scientific endeavors and greater understanding!
Science Experiments to Enrich Knowledge
Apart from the importance of science as a field of study, science is also a great source of entertainment and recreation. At home there are many easy scientific experiments. Scientific experiments test the authenticity of any ideology, view or thought of anyone. Through simple scientific experiments, students can be easily trained in the sciences.
For instance, to teach your kids about Newton's gravitational law, the only material that you would need is a ball. This simple object can teach your child about the gravitation of the earth. Simply throw the ball in the air and it will fall back to the ground. Have your children watch the ball's movement. The gravitation of the earth pulls the ball back into a nosedive toward the ground.
Regardless of how hard you throw the ball, it will always come back down, as it is unable to break the gravitational pull of the earth. This type of home based scientific experiment is much more helpful for students to quickly learn about modern science.
Every day, people face different problems. Try to train students on how to invent powerful devices and innovative techniques to remove obstacles and make life more enjoyable. Science must be properly utilized to standard of living.

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